What Path Do I Need To Take?
View Information on what path to take (B.M.T., M.M.T., or Equivalency)

As Georgia's only online Master of Music Therapy program, we provide the opportunity to acquire an advanced theoretical, research and practical base for meeting the changing needs of the people served by the profession. By means of online education, teleconferencing and video conferencing, this program permits the establishment of virtual collaborative learning communities not limited by geographic constraints. Students are expected to attend virtual synchronous classes (face-to-face on an online platform) with our graduate faculty. Virtual synchronous intensive seminars occur at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters and are mandatory as part of the degree program. Our Master of Music Therapy degree advances students from competencies achieved in undergraduate studies to competencies which are in depth, analytic, interdisciplinary and global. Applicants to the music therapy program must have completed a bachelors degree in music therapy, including an internship in an approved program, have completed a degree equivalency program.
Georgia College is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) and approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).
See some of our students in action! Music therapy students perform “Eye of the Tiger” with musicians who happen to have developmental disabilities.
Admission Requirements
- Undergraduate (upper level 3000 courses and above) GPA of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (transcripts required).
- Provide names and contact information for 3 references.
- Completed a bachelor's degree in MT including an internship in an approved program (if applying for the MMT only) or a bachelor’s degree in a Music-related field (if applying for Equivalency MMT).
- In-person or video interview.
- Audition in person or via video (specifically a performance on a primary instrument and two accompanied songs – preferred instrument guitar and/or piano).
- Current resume with music therapy/health-related field experience, both in work settings and/ or volunteer services.
- Essay entitled: "What is music therapy" or a writing sample from a previous course (minimum of 3 APA references).
Academic Dismissal Policy
A graduate student will be placed on graduate academic probation if the student's institutional graduate grade point average falls below a 3.00 at any point during his or her graduate studies.
A graduate student will be dismissed if the student is placed on academic probation for more than one semester, receives more than one C during his or her graduate studies, or fails to comply with policy, procedures, and expectations as defined in the current version of the MMT Handbook.
Equivalency/Master Admission Requirements
Students may be admitted jointly to the Degree Equivalency/Master of Music Therapy Program. The Degree Equivalency Program must be completed on the GC campus and consists of undergraduate preparatory music therapy courses. Courses for the Master of Music Therapy Program may be taken concurrently.
Students must:
- Be eligible for admission to the Degree Equivalency Program (See undergraduate catalog for requirements)
- Have completed a bachelor's degree in a music related field
- Provide 2 letters of recommendation from academic and/or professional references
- Have an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (20 points)
- In-person or video interview and audition submitted with application (30 points)
- Essay "What is Music Therapy?" Use three scholarly references and APA style. (10 points)
- Regular admission 60 points and above
Concurrent Bachelor of Music Therapy and Master of Music Therapy
Students may earn the Bachelor of Music Therapy degree in addition to completing the required equivalency courses necessary to be eligible to take the National Board Certification Examination.
Graduation requirements for all Bachelor's degrees can be found at: Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.
Students choosing this option will apply for Admission as graduate students.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is the MMT online? The Master of Music Therapy program delivery is distance education if you have a degree in music therapy and have completed the six-month internship under the supervision of an approved board certified music therapist.
- I have a degree in music. Am I eligible for the program? You are eligible for the MMT with equivalency courses if you have a bachelor’s degree in a music-related field. The equivalency courses are taught on our campus. These courses are not online.
- I have a degree in another field and not music or music therapy. What are my options? You are eligible for a second bachelor’s degree in music therapy. You may also take the core music courses found on the Equivalency Check List and then apply for the MMT with Equivalency courses.
- Do I have to come to campus? You will attend face-to-face on-campus seminars once each semester. Each seminar is three days (Thursday-Saturday). During one summer you will attend an intensive one-week course.
- I am an out-of-state student. What is the tuition? All students in the program pay in-state tuition. There are fees for technology and a fee for on-line instruction. To view tuition and fees, click here.
- Are there graduate assistantships available? There are two graduate assistantships available through the MMT. The assistantship waives tuition and pays a small stipend each semester. Graduate Assistants work 19 hours per week in our department. Responsibilities are similar to duties performed by a music therapist in practice. These assistantships are highly competitive. Other assistantships are available on campus. Please see GCSU Jobs for position descriptions.
- Can I attend part-time? Attending part-time will extend the time to completion of the program but many students prefer to begin slowly especially if they have been out of school for a while.
- Do I need to take the GRE? The GRE or MAT is no longer a requirement of admission. Other requirements are discussed under Admission Requirements
- I see there is an audition. I do not play the guitar. Am I still eligible? The audition assists faculty in building your individualized Program of Study. If you do not play guitar, you can substitute another accompanying instrument such as autoharp. Please see Audition Requirements for details of the audition.
- Does the audition need to be in person? The audition can be in person, on video or submitted on a private online site such as YouTube.
- Are students accepted only in Fall? Students’ feedback suggests beginning in Fall is an easier transition. However, students are accepted Fall, Spring and Summer. An individualized Program of Study ensures a well rounded educational experience.